sp_iqmodifylogin procedure


Modifies the maximum number of connections or the password expiration interval for a given user.


call sp_iqmodifylogin (‘{userid | all overides}’, ‘option’, value ['server-name'])


sp_iqmodifylogin ‘{userid | all overides}’, ‘option’, value [,'server-name'])


DBA authority required.


userid Variable that holds the name of the account to modify.

all users If all users keyword is specified, the option and its value apply to all users except for the user DBA, which cannot be set to expire.

option Name of the option to change:

value Value to which the named option is set. Values can be from 0 through 32767.

See also

“sp_iqmodifyadmin procedure”


sp_iqmodifylogin lets the DBA limit connections or set password expiration for a specified existing user, or for all other users. Changes take effect when Sybase IQ Login Management is enabled with sp_iqmodifyadmin, or immediately if Sybase IQ Login Management is already enabled.


The following errors may occur. Causes are listed after each error.

Permission denied: You do not have permission to change this password.

Cause: A user without DBA role tried to change another user’s password.

RAISERROR executed: "Userid <loginname> not found."

Cause: The user tried to change the password of a user that does not exist.

RAISERROR executed: "Server name <server name> not found."

Cause: The server name specified did not match a valid server name in IQ_MPX_INFO.

RAISERROR executed: "Server name parameter not allowed with this option in non-multiplex mode."

Cause: The procedure was called with the server name argument in a nonmultiplex environment.

RAISERROR executed: "Userid <loginname> not found."

Cause: The user tried to change the password of a user that does not exist.


The following stored procedure calls set password to expire in 365 days for all users except DBA.

sp_iqmodifylogin 'all overrides', 'password_expiration', 365
call sp_iqmodifylogin ('all overrides', 'password_expiration', 365)