Initial option settings

Connections to Sybase IQ can be made through the TERANODE Design Suite (TDS) protocol—Open Client and jConnect™ for JDBC™ connections—or through the Sybase IQ protocol—ODBC, Embedded SQL.

If users have both TDS and the Sybase IQ-specific protocol, you can configure their initial settings using stored procedures. As it is shipped, Sybase IQ uses this method to set Open Client connections and jConnect connections to reflect default Adaptive Server Enterprise behavior.

The initial settings are controlled using the LOGIN_PROCEDURE option. This option names a stored procedure to run when users connect. The default setting is to use the sp_iq_process_login system stored procedure, which checks whether the user is permitted to log in, and then calls the sp_login_environment system procedure. You can change this behavior.

In its turn, sp_login_environment checks to see if the connection is being made over TDS. If it is, it calls the sp_tsql_environment procedure, which sets several options to new default values for the current connection.

For more information, including exceptions, see “LOGIN_PROCEDURE option”, or the sp_iq_process_login, sp_login_environment, and sp_tsql_environment system procedures in Chapter 10, “System Procedures.”