Optional. If the user did not specify ASIQPORT in the environment source file, the port number defaults to 1099. You can change this default value, provided you do so before the plug-in starts. You can set this variable as described in “Setting environment variables” or by supplying the -DASIQPORT argument to the scjview command when starting Sybase Central. For example:
scjview -DASIQPORT=3345
Overrides the default value for the Sybase IQ Agent port number, which is used for communications between the Sybase IQ plug-in and Agent.
Once the plug-in starts, you cannot change the port
1099 is the plug-in default value when searching for an agent process on any given port. If the plug-in finds no agent on this port, it displays a prompt so that you can specify the correct port value.
This functionality lets you run IQ Agents for Sybase IQ 12.6 and 12.7 on the same system. It also lets you run any number of 12.7 IQ Agents on a given host.