collation_label CHAR(10) NOT NULL,
	collation_name CHAR(128) NOT NULL,
	cs_label CHAR(128),
	so_case_label CHAR(128),
	so_caseless_label CHAR(128),
	jdk_label CHAR(128),
	PRIMARY KEY ( collation_label )

This table contains the collation mappings available in Sybase IQ. There is no way to modify the contents of this table.

collation_label A string identifying the collation sequence. The collation sequence to be used is selected when the database is created by specifying the collation label with the COLLATION option of the CREATE DATABASE command.

collation_name The collation name used to describe the character set encoding.

cs_label The GPG character set mapping label.

so_case_label The collation sort order for case-sensitive GPG character set mapping.

so_caseless_label The collation sort order for case-insensitive GPG character set mapping.

jdk_label The JDK character set label.

For newly-created databases, this table contains only one row with the database collation mapping. For databases created with version 12.5 or earlier, this table includes collation mappings for all built-in collations.