AVG function [Aggregate]


Computes the average of a numeric expression for a set of rows, or computes the average of a set of unique values.


AVG ( numeric-expression   |  DISTINCT column-name  )


numeric-expression The value whose average is calculated over a set of rows.

DISTINCT column-name Computes the average of the unique values in column-name. This is of limited usefulness, but is included for completeness.


The following statement returns the value 49988.6:

SELECT AVG ( salary ) FROM employee


This average does not include rows where numeric -expression is the NULL value. Returns the NULL value for a group containing no rows.

Standards and compatibility

See also

“COUNT function [Aggregate]”

“SUM function [Aggregate]”

Chapter 4, “Using OLAP” in the Sybase IQ Performance and Tuning Guide