Turns internal disk striping on or off.
Can be set for the PUBLIC group only. Requires DBA permissions. You must shut down and restart the database server for the change to take effect.
This option can force disk striping to be set or unset for performance reasons. In Sybase IQ, disk striping places data in each dbspace file segment in a round-robin fashion (e.g. the first database page written goes to the first dbspace, the second page written goes to the next dbspace, and so on).
When this option is ON, the data ends up in all dbspace segments, and you will not be able to delete a dbspace with the DROP command. If you expect to drop dbspaces, you should set this option to OFF before loading any data into your database. For more information about disk striping and performance, see “Balancing I/O” in Chapter 4, “Managing System Resources” of the Sybase IQ Performance and Tuning Guide.