CREATE TABLE SYS.SYSSCHEDULE ( event_id INT NOT NULL, sched_name VARCHAR(128) NOT NULL, recurring TINYINT NOT NULL, start_time TIME NOT NULL, stop_time TIME NULL, start_date DATE NULL, days_of_week TINYINT NULL, days_of_month UNSIGNED INT NULL, interval_units CHAR(10) NULL, interval_amt INT NULL, PRIMARY KEY ( event_id, sched_name ) )
Each row in SYSSCHEDULE describes the times at which an event is to fire, as specified by the SCHEDULE clause of CREATE EVENT.
event_id The unique number assigned to each event.
sched_name The name associated with a schedule.
recurring (0/1) Indicates if the schedule is repeating.
start_time The schedule start time.
stop_time The schedule stop time, if BETWEEN was used.
start_date The first date on which the event is scheduled to execute.
days_of_week A bit mask indicating the days of the week on which the event is scheduled:
x01 = Sunday
x02 = Monday
x04 = Tuesday
x08 = Wednesday
x10 = Thursday
x20 = Friday
x40 = Saturday
days_of_month A bit mask indicating the days of the month on which the event is scheduled:
x01 = first day of the month
x02 = second day of the month
x40000000 = 31st day of the month
x80000000 = last day of the month
interval_units The interval unit specified by EVERY:
HH = hours
NN = minutes
SS = seconds