Checks multiplex configuration.
dbo.sp_iqmpxvalidate( IN _show_msgs CHAR(1), DEFAULT ‘Y’)
Multiple checks ontables SYS.SYSIQFILE and DBA.IQ_MPX_INFO, and SQL Remote configuration. May run on any server. Returns a result to the caller: severity. Values are:
0 - no configuration errors.
1 - dynamic state is not as expected (e.g., dbremote process not running)
2 - non-fatal configuration error (multiplex operation impaired)
3 - fatal configuration problem (one or more servers may not start)
If called interactively, the stored procedure also returns a tableof the errors found, if any, unless the callingargument is not 'Y'.
Each error indicates its severity. If there are no errors, theprocedure returns "No errors detected".