The installation program makes the following registry settings in the Sybase registry:
Current Version In the Adaptive Server IQ registry, this entry holds the version number. For example:
Description In the Adaptive Server IQ registry, this entry holds the product name. For example:
Description:REG_SZ:Adaptive Server IQ
Location In the Adaptive Server IQ registry, this entry holds the installation directory location. For example:
Location:REG_SZ:C:\Program Files\Sybase \ASIQ-12_6
Install Date In the Adaptive Server IQ\12.6 registry, this entry holds the date the software was installed. For example:
Install Type In the Adaptive Server IQ\12.6 registry, this entry holds the type of installation. For example:
The Adaptive Server IQ registry includes other entries for the programs installed. The Sybase Central registry holds information about the Sybase Central version and installed plug-ins.