Controls the interpretation of the percent (%) character.
By default, Sybase IQ treats the percent character as a comment marker. However, it is recommended that you do not use it as such; use one of the alternative comment markers such as //, /* */, and -- (double dash) instead. The double-dash style is the SQL/92 comment delimiter.
Adaptive Server Enterprise treats the % as a modulo operator, and it does not support the Sybase IQ mod function. You can set this option to OFF for compatibility with both environments.
Adaptive Server Anywhere treats the percent character exactly as Sybase IQ, that is, as comment by default, but as a modulo operator if you turn off the PERCENT_AS_COMMENT option.
Procedures and views created with % style comments are converted to double-dash comments when they are stored in the catalog. The Sybase Central code editor does not highlight % style comments. If you wish to have your comments highlighted, you should use one of the other comment delimiters.
Any existing procedures that contain %-style
comments must be recreated before you change the option setting;
otherwise, the procedures will fail to load.