Starts a database server.
START ENGINE AS engine-name [ STARTLINE command-string ]
Start a database server, named eng1, without starting any databases on it.
The following example shows the use of a STARTLINE clause.
START ENGINE AS eng1 STARTLINE 'start_asiq -c 8096'
The START ENGINE statement starts a database server. If you wish to specify a set of options for the server, use the STARTLINE keyword together with a command string. Valid command strings are those that conform to the database server command-line description in Chapter 1, “Running the Database Server” in the Sybase IQ Utility Guide.
Several server options are required for IQ to operate
well. To ensure that you are using the right set of options, Sybase
recommends that you start your server by using Sybase Central, or
a configuration file with the start_asiq command.
Chapter 1, “Running the Database Server” in the Sybase IQ Utility Guide