Displays a message.
MESSAGE expression, ... [ TYPE { INFO | ACTION | WARNING | STATUS } ] [ TO {CONSOLE | CLIENT [ FOR { CONNECTION conn_id | ALL } ] | LOG } [ DEBUG ONLY ] ]
conn_id : integer
TYPE clause The TYPE clause only has an effect if the message is sent to the client. The client application must decide how to handle the message. Interactive SQL displays messages in the following locations:
TO clause This clause specifies the destination of a message:
CONSOLE Send messages to the database server window. CONSOLE is the default.
CLIENT Send messages to the client application. Your application must decide how to handle the message, and you can use the TYPE as information on which to base that decision.
LOG Send messages to the server log file specified by the -o option.
FOR clause For messages TO CLIENT, this clause specifies which connections receive notification about the message:
DEBUG ONLY This clause allows you to control whether debugging messages added to stored procedures are enabled or disabled by changing the setting of the DEBUG_MESSAGES option. When DEBUG ONLY is specified, the MESSAGE statement is executed only when the DEBUG_MESSAGES option is set to ON.
DEBUG ONLY messages are inexpensive when the DEBUG_MESSAGES option
is set to OFF, so these statements can usually be left in stored
procedures on a production system. However, they should be used
sparingly in locations where they would be executed frequently;
otherwise, they may result in a small performance penalty.
The following procedure displays a message on the server message window:
CREATE PROCEDURE message_test () BEGIN MESSAGE 'The current date and time: ', Now(); END
The following statement displays
the string The current date and time,
the current date and time, on the database server message window:
CALL message_test()
To register a callback in ODBC, first declare the message handler:
void SQL_CALLBACK my_msgproc( void * sqlca, unsigned char msg_type, long code, unsigned short len, char* msg ) { … }
Install the declared message handler by calling the SQLSetConnectAttr function.
The MESSAGE statement displays a message, which can be any expression. Clauses can specify where the message is displayed.
The procedure issuing a MESSAGE … TO CLIENT statement must be associated with a connection.
For example, the message box is not displayed in the following example because the event occurs outside of a connection.
CREATE EVENT CheckIdleTime TYPE ServerIdle WHERE event_condition( 'IdleTime' ) > 100 HANDLER BEGIN MESSAGE 'Idle engine' type warning to client; END;
However, in the following example, the message is written to the server console.
CREATE EVENT CheckIdleTime TYPE ServerIdle WHERE event_condition( 'IdleTime' ) > 100 HANDLER BEGIN MESSAGE 'Idle engine' type warning to console; END;
Valid expressions can include a quoted string or other constant, variable, or function. However, queries are not permitted in the output of a MESSAGE statement even though the definition of an expression includes queries.
The FOR clause can be used to notify another application of an event detected on the server without the need for the application to explicitly check for the event. When the FOR clause is used, recipients receive the message the next time that they execute a SQL statement. If the recipient is currently executing a SQL statement, the message is received when the statement completes. If the statement being executed is a stored procedure call, the message is received before the call is completed.
If an application requires notification within a short time after the message is sent and when the connection is not executing SQL statements, you can use a second connection. This connection can execute one or more WAITFOR DELAY statements. These statements do not consume significant resources on the server or network (as would happen with a polling approach), but permit applications to receive notification of the message shortly after it is sent.
ESQL and ODBC clients receive messages via message callback functions. In each case, these functions must be registered. To register ESQL message handlers, use the db_register_callback function.
ODBC clients can register callback functions using the SQLSetConnectAttr function.
Sybase Not supported in Adaptive Server Enterprise. The Transact-SQL PRINT statement provides a similar feature, and is available in Adaptive Server Anywhere.
Must be connected to the database.
DBA authority is required to execute a MESSAGE statement containing a FOR clause.
Adaptive Server Anywhere Programming Guide for information about using callback functions