Specifies the delimiter between columns in the output of the data extraction facility for an ASCII extraction.
Can be set for an individual connection. Takes effect immediately.
This option is used to specify the delimiter between columns in the output of the data extraction facility. In the case of an ASCII extraction, the default is to separate column values with commas. Strings are unquoted by default.
The delimiter must occupy from 1 to a maximum of 4 bytes and must be valid in the collation order you are using, if you are using a multibyte collation order. Be sure to choose a delimiter that does not occur in any of the data output strings themselves.
If this option is set to the empty string '' for ASCII extractions, then the extracted data is written in fixed-width ASCII with no column delimiter. Numeric and binary data types are right-justified on a field of n blanks, where n is the maximum number of bytes needed for any value of that type. Character data types are left-justified on a field of n blanks.
The minimum column width in a fixed-width ASCII extraction
is four bytes to allow the string “NULL” for a
NULL value. For example, if the extracted column is CHAR(2) and
Temp_Extract_Column_Delimiter is set
to the empty string '', there are two spaces after the extracted
See the section “Data extraction options” in Chapter 7, “Moving Data In and Out of Databases” of the Sybase IQ System Administration Guide for details on the data extraction facility and using the extraction options.