Projects and Frameworks
A project allows you to group together all the models and other types of documents you need for a particular modeling task, and save them as a simple entity in your repository.
Models are the basic work unit in PowerDesigner. You must create a model before you can begin modeling. You can group models together in projects and framework diagrams. You can break models down into packages to isolate a part of your model and make it easier to work with.
You populate your models with objects. The types of objects that you can create depend on the type of model that you are working with.
Diagrams, Matrices, and Symbols
Most PowerDesigner models contain diagrams, in which your model objects are represented by symbols. You can add a dependency matrix to any model to show relationships between objects.
Reports allow you to publish information about your model, and can be used to provide documentation for your system.
Customizing Your Modeling Environment
PowerDesigner is highly customizable. You can modify its interface to suit your work habits, , set default naming conventions, change the appearance of object symbols, add new properties to objects, and even create your own types of objects.
Created October 27, 2010. Send feedback on this help topic to Sybase Technical Publications: