Changing a Target Model

You can change a target model that supplies shortcuts to your model from the List of Target Models.


You cannot use the Undo feature to cancel a Change Target Model action.

For example, you create a model, Project.pdm, which contains shortcuts to objects in a target model, Library.pdm. A copy of the target model, Library2.pdm, is made, in which different versions of the target objects are developed. You can switch between Library.pdm and Library2.pdm in the List of Target Models.

  1. Select Model > Target Models to open the List of Target Models.
  2. Select a target model in the list, and then click the Change Target Model tool to open a file chooser dialog.
  3. Browse to the new target model, select it, and click OK.

    A confirmation dialog box informs you that this change cannot be undone. If you click OK to proceed:

    • And the new target model is open in the workspace - the shortcuts are updated to the new target objects. Otherwise they will be opened the next time you open the target model.

    • And a shortcut cannot find its target object - a message box warns you. You can either delete the shortcut, or choose a new target object.

  4. Click OK to close the list of target models.