Creating and Deleting an Attribute in a Synchronized Model

You can create and delete an attribute in a synchronized model.

  1. Double-click the printer symbol, select the Attributes tab, and add a usbPort attribute with a boolean data type and a public visibility.

  2. Click OK to return to the class diagram, where the usbPort attribute is displayed in the printer symbol:

  3. Right-click the printer symbol or the printer item in the Model Explorer and select Edit Source Code to open the source code file of the printer class in a pane directly under the diagram:

    Note that the usbPort attribute is displayed in the synchronized source code.

  4. Delete the code concerning the usbPort attribute.

  5. Select File > Save in the Eclipse menu bar.

    The usbPort attribute disappears from the printer symbol because the printer class in the OOM has been synchronized with its source code.