The Generation Links Viewer

The Generation Links Viewer allows you to view (but not edit) the generation links of a given model, which allow you to identify the origin of each generated or derived object of the model.


Links are created between models during model generation only if the Save Generation Dependencies option on the Detail tab of the generation dialog box is selected.

You can choose to view the:

The Generation Links Viewer dialog box is divided in three parts:

Source object icons have a small green arrow symbol and target object icons have a small red target symbol on their bottom right-hand corners.

Non-editable links are drawn from the origin object in the Source pane to the derived object in the Target pane. Double-click the link in either pane to open the appropriate object's property sheet, or in the area between the two panes to display its details in the Generation Links pane.

The following tools are available in the Generation Links Viewer:



Properties - Opens the property sheet of the selected source or target object.

Find Source Object - Finds an object in the Source pane and highlights it.

Find Target Object - Finds an object in the Target pane and highlights it.

Filter Generation Links – You can choose to filter by:
  • All generation links

  • Only generation links of the selected object

  • Only generation links of the selected object and its child objects

Filter Objects - You can choose to filter by:
  • All objects

  • Only objects with generation links

  • Only objects without generation links