Deleting Objects

You can delete an object from a diagram, the Browser, or an object list.

Since PowerDesigner gives you the freedom to create multiple symbols in multiple diagrams to represent the same object, when deleting a symbol in a diagram, you can choose to delete just the symbol or the entire object.

When you delete an object, you also delete any sub-objects it contains (for example, when you delete a table from a PDM, you delete its columns, keys, triggers and indexes), along with all its diagram symbols. If you delete an object that is connected to another object via a link, the link is also deleted.

To delete an object, do one of the following:

Note: You can suppress the display of the Confirmation dialogs by deselecting the Confirm Object Deletion general option (see General Options).

Deleting Domains and Data Items

If you have specified that domains and data items can be reused by multiple objects in a CDM or PDM and you delete a parent object to which they belong, these sub-objects will not be deleted with their parent. For more information, see the Data Modeling guide.