Entity Class Transformation

You can transform a class into a table. To do so you first must select the Persistent option in the Detail tab of the class property sheet. Then, you can define the persistent type in the Persistent groupbox:

Persistent Groupbox



Generate table

The class is generated in a separate table

Migrate columns

The class is not generated ; its attributes and associations are migrated to the generated parent or child table

Generate ADT

The class is generated as an abstract data type, a user-defined data type that can encapsulate a range of data values and functions. This option is not used when you define O/R Mapping.

Value type

No separate table will be generated for the class; its persistent attributes will be transformed into columns that are embedded in other table(s)

Persistent classes are classes with one of the following persistent types:

  • Generate table. Classes with this persistent type are called Entity classes.

  • Migrate column. Classes with this persistent type are called Entity classes.

  • Value type. Classes with this persistent type are called Value type classes.

Entity classes with Generate table persistent type will be transformed into separate tables. No separate table will be generated for Entity classes with Migrate columns persistent type. This persistent type is just used in inheritance transformation.

Only one table can be generated for each entity class with Generate table persistence type. However, you can map an entity class to multiple tables. For more information about mapping an entity class to multiple tables, see Defining entity class mapping.

You can also customize the code of the generated tables in the Code box in the Persistent groupbox. Class mapping will be generated for the persistent class.

Created October 7, 2009. Send feedback on this help topic to Sybase Technical Publications: pubs@sybase.com