Reverse Engineering C# 2.0 Code

You can reverse engineer C# files into an OOM.

  1. Select Language > Reverse Engineer C# to open the Reverse Engineer C# dialog box.
  2. Select what form of code you want to reverse engineer. You can choose between:

    • C# files (.cs)

    • C# directories

    • C# projects (.csproj)

  3. Select files, directories, or projects to reverse engineer by clicking the Add button.

    You can select multiple files simultaneously using the ctrl or shift keys. You cannot select multiple directories.

    The selected files or directories are displayed in the dialog box and the base directory is set to their parent directory. You can change the base directory using the buttons to the right of the field.

  4. [optional] Click the Options tab and set any appropriate options. For more information, see C# Reverse Engineer dialog Options tab.
  5. [optional] Click the Preprocessing tab and set any appropriate preprocessing symbols. For more information, see C# reverse engineering preprocessing directives.
  6. Click OK to begin the reverse engineering.

    A progress box is displayed. If the model in which you are reverse engineering already contains data, the Merge Models dialog box is displayed.

    For more information on merging models, see the Comparing and Merging Models chapter in the Core Features Guide.

    The classes are added to your model. They are visible in the diagram and in the Browser, and are also listed in the Reverse tab of the Output window, located in the lower part of the main window.

Created October 7, 2009. Send feedback on this help topic to Sybase Technical Publications: