C# Generation Dialog Options Tab

The following options are available on this tab:



Generate object ids as documentation tags

Specifies whether to generate object ids for use as documentation tags.

Sort class members primarily by

Specifies the primary method by which class members are sorted. You can choose between:

  • Visibility

  • Type

Class members type sort

Specifies the order by which class members are sorted in terms of their type. You can choose between:

  • Methods – Properties - Fields

  • Properties – Methods - Fields

  • Fields – Properties - Methods

Class members visibility sort

Specifies the order by which class members are sorted in terms of their visibility. You can choose between:

  • Public - Private

  • Private – Public

  • None

Generate Visual Studio 2005 project files

Specifies whether to generate project files for use with Visual Studio 2005.

Generate Assembly Info File

Specifies whether to generate information files for assemblies.

Generate Visual Studio Solution File

Specifies whether to generate a solution file for use with Visual Studio 2005.

Generate Web Service C# code in .asmx file

Specifies whether to generate web services in a .asmx file.

Generate default accessors for navigable associations

Specifies whether to generate default accessors for navigable associations.

Created October 7, 2009. Send feedback on this help topic to Sybase Technical Publications: pubs@sybase.com