Method Properties

Method property sheets contain all the standard operation tabs along with the C# tab, the properties of which are listed below:



Compilation Unit

Specifies the compilation unit in which the method will be stored. This field is only available if the parent type is a partial type (allocated to more than one compilation unit).


Specifies the extern modifier for the method declaration.


Specifies the new modifier for the method declaration.


Specifies the override modifier for the method declaration.


Specifies the unsafe modifier for the method declaration.


Specifies the virtual modifier for the method declaration.


Specifies the scope of the method.

Base Initializer

Creates an instance constructor initializer of the form base, causing an instance constructor from the base class to be invoked.

In the following example, class B inherits from class A. You define a Base Initializer in the class B constructor, which will be used to initialize the class A constructor:

internal class B : A
  public B(int x, int y) : base(x + y, x - y)

This Initializer

Creates an instance constructor initializer, causing an instance constructor from the class itself to be invoked.

Method Parameters

You define C# method parameters using operation parameters.

You can define the following parameter modifiers in PowerDesigner:

C# modifier

PowerDesigner equivalent


Select In in the Parameter Type box on the parameter property sheet General tab


Select In/Out in the Parameter Type box on the parameter property sheet General tab


Select Out in the Parameter Type box on the parameter property sheet General tab


Select the Variable Argument checkbox on the parameter property sheet General tab

Created October 7, 2009. Send feedback on this help topic to Sybase Technical Publications: