Adding a Type to a Compilation Unit from the Type Property Sheet

To add a type to a compilation unit from the type property sheet:

  1. Double-click the type's diagram symbol or browser entry to open its property sheet, and then click the Generated Files tab.
  2. In the Artifact(s) column, click the Add/Remove tool to open a selection window listing all the compilation unit available in the model.
  3. Specify the compilation units to which the type will be added by selecting their checkboxes. Note that types can be added to multiple compilation units. In this case, they will be generated as partial types (see Partial Types) and you can specify in which compilation unit each of their attributes and methods will be generated.
  4. Click OK to return to the type property sheet. The selected compilation units are now listed on the Generated Files tab.
  5. Click OK to close the type property sheet. The type is now listed in the Browser, beneath the selected compilation unit(s).

Created October 7, 2009. Send feedback on this help topic to Sybase Technical Publications: