ASP Tab of the Component

When you set the type of the component to ASP.NET, the ASP tab is automatically displayed in the component property sheet.

The ASP tab includes the following properties:



ASP file

File object that defines the page. You can click the Properties tool beside this box to display the property sheet of the file object, or click the Create tool to create a file object

Default template

Extended attribute that allows you to select a template for generation. Its content can be user defined or delivered by default

To modify the default content, edit the current object language from Language > Edit Current Object Language and modify the following item: Profile/FileObject/Criteria/ASP/Templates/DefaultContent<%is(DefaultTemplate)%>. Then create the templates and rename them as DefaultContent<%is(<name>)%> where <name> stands for the corresponding DefaultContent template name.

To define additional DefaultContent templates for ASP.NET, you have to modify the ASPTemplate extended attribute type from Profile/Share/Extended Attribute Types and add new values corresponding to the new templates respective names.

For more information on the default template property, see the definition of TemplateContent in Creating an ASP.NET with the wizard.

Created October 7, 2009. Send feedback on this help topic to Sybase Technical Publications: