Working with IDE Tools for Java Generation

JBuilder is a Java IDE. In PowerDesigner, you are provided with a JBuilder extended model definition (JBuilder.xem) that allows you to create, deploy and debug EJBs, Servlets, and JSPs. The supported version of JBuilder Enterprise is version 7.

If you want to use JBuilder to finish the Java code, deploy and debug J2EE components, you can generate a JBuilder project including the Web application group, EJB group, EAR group and the configuration descriptor for O/R mapping (for EA Server and WebLogic with EJB CMP). You can open the project, build the entire project and deploy it.

When you import the JBuilder extended model definition into your model, you can generate the following files:

File type


Project file

JBuilder Project file is an XML format file, with the extension .JPX

EAR group file

Extension .EARGRPX. It is generated if it contains EJB, Servlets, or JSPs. The EAR group file contains the J2EE application.xml descriptor

EJB group file

Extension .EJBGRPX. It is generated for each package that will generate an EJB JAR file

You can preview the generated JBuilder files from the Preview page of the model property sheet.

For more information on how to import extended model definitions, see section Choosing a target application server.

Created October 7, 2009. Send feedback on this help topic to Sybase Technical Publications: