Selecting Java Generation Options

You can set the following options, available from the Options page of the Generation dialog box in Java:




Sort class members primarily by


Sorts attributes and operations by type or visibility

Generate package imports


Used to declare import of the whole package

Class members type sort


Sorts attributes and operations by type

Class members visibility sort


Sorts attributes and operations by visibility

Generate object ids as JavaDoc tags


Generates information used for reverse engineering like object identifiers (@pdoid) that are generated as documentation tags. If you do not want these tags to be generated, you have to set this option to False

Generate default accessors for navigable associations


Generates the getter and setter methods for navigable associations

Generate Ant build.xml file


Generates the build.xml file. You can use this file if you have installed Ant

Generate CMP field accessors in component interfaces


Generates CMP fields getter and setter operations to EJB interfaces

Generate CMR field accessors in component interfaces


Generates CMR fields getter and setter declarations in EJB interfaces

Add Java classes source code in the JAR file


Includes Java classes code in the JAR

Generate value object class and associated navigation methods for CMP Entity Beans


Generates an additional class named %Component.Code%ValueObject for each CMP bean class and declares all the CMP fields as public attributes. In addition, a getter and a setter are generated in the bean class for each CMR relationship

Jar Web component classes


Archives Web component classes in a Jar

You can set Java generation to sort the order in which the attributes and operations of the class in a Java class definition file are displayed. You can sort the order according to either visibility or member type for example.

Primary Sort

You can sort the order according to the visibility or the type.


Result of selection


Public attributes and operations are generated before private attributes and operations in the Java file


Attributes and operations are sorted by type whatever their visibility

Visibility Sort

You can sort the visibility order as follows:


Result of selection

Public – Private

Public attributes and operations are generated before private attributes and operations

Private – Public

Private attributes and operations are generated before public attributes and operations


Attributes and operations order remains unchanged

Type Sort

You can sort the type order as follows:


Result of selection

Attributes – Operations

Class attributes are generated before the operations

Operations – Attributes

Class operations are generated before the attributes

Generate Package Imports

When a class is used by another class, it is referenced by a class import:

import package1.package2.class.

The Generate package imports allows you to declare import of the whole package, it saves time whenever many classes of the same package are possibly referenced:

import package1.package2.*;

Created October 7, 2009. Send feedback on this help topic to Sybase Technical Publications: