Adding Further Interfaces and Classes to the EJB

In addition to the bean class and remote and home interfaces defined on the EJB tab, you can link the following supplementary classes and interfaces to the EJB3:

  • An optional collection of remote interfaces with <<EJBRemote>> stereotypes. Generated as a @Remote annotation.

  • An optional collection of local interfaces with <<EJBLocal>> stereotypes. Generated as a @Local annotation.

  • An optional collection of interceptor classes with <<EJBInterceptor>> stereotypes. Generated as an @Interceptors annotation.

  • An optional collection of entity listener classes with <<EJBEntityListener>> stereotypes. Generated as an @EntityListeners annotation.

You add these interfaces and classes to the EJB3 component via the Interfaces and Classes tabs. For example, you can add an <<EJBInterceptor>> Interface to an EJB3:

  1. Open the property sheet of the EJB3 and click the Interfaces tab.
  2. Click the Create a New Object tool to create a new interface and open its property sheet.
  3. On the General tab, select <<EJBInterceptor>> from the list of stereotypes.
  4. Complete the remaining properties as required and then click OK to return to the EJB3 property sheet.

Created October 7, 2009. Send feedback on this help topic to Sybase Technical Publications: