EJB 3.0 BeanClass Properties

A BeanClass is the primary class contained within an EJB 3.0 component. EJB 3.0 BeanClass property sheets contain all the standard class tabs along with the EJB3 tab, the properties of which are listed below:



Transaction Management

Specifies the method of transaction management for a Session Bean or a Message Driven Bean. You can choose between:

  • Bean

  • Container

Generated as a @TransactionManagement annotation.

Transaction Attribute Type

Transaction Attribute Type for the Bean Class

Specifies the transaction attribute type for a Session Bean or a Message Driven Bean. You can choose between:

  • Not Supported

  • Supports

  • Required

  • Requires New

  • Mandatory

  • Never

Generated as a @TransactionAttribute annotation.

Exclude Default Interceptors

Specifies that the invocation of default interceptor methods is excluded.

Generated as a @ExcludeDefaultInterceptors annotation.

Exclude Superclass Listeners

Specifies that the invocation of superclass listener methods is excluded.

Generated as a @ExcludeSuperclassListeners annotation.

Mapped Name

Specifies a product specific name.

Generated as a @MappedName annotation.


Specifies the bean's run-as property (security role).

Generated as a @RunAs annotation.

Declare Roles

Specifies references to security roles.

Generated as a @DeclareRoles annotation.

Roles Allowed

Specifies the roles allowed for all bean methods.

Generated as a @RolesAllowed annotation.

Permit All

Specifies that all roles are allowed for all bean business methods.

Generated as a @PermitAll annotation.

Created October 7, 2009. Send feedback on this help topic to Sybase Technical Publications: pubs@sybase.com