Understanding EJB Source and Persistence

You generate persistence management methods based on the object language. Depending if the EJB is of a CMP or BMP type, the deployment descriptor file is displayed different:

For more information on defining O/R mapping, see O/R Mapping Modeling.

You can use different methods to generate an EJB CMP into an EJB BMP. You can either copy the Java object language delivered in PowerDesigner as a reference to a new object language, and describe how to generate implementation classes of the EJB CMP in your own object language, or you can create an extended model definition that includes these implementation classes.

You could also write a VB script to convert the EJB CMP into an EJB BMP. To do this, you must generate the EJB as CMP, then launch the VB script that will go through all objects of the model and generate an implementation class for each identified class.

Created October 7, 2009. Send feedback on this help topic to Sybase Technical Publications: pubs@sybase.com