Importing Rational Rose Component Diagrams

Objects in Rose component diagrams are imported as follows. Only the listed properties are imported:

Rose Object

OOM Object


  • Interface of realize

  • Class of realize

  • File

  • URL file

  • Declaration


  • Interface

  • Class

  • External file in Ext. Dependencies

  • URL file in Ext. Dependencies

  • Description in Notes tab

The following types of components, which have Rose predefined stereotypes and different symbols are imported. The stereotypes are preserved, but each will have a standard OOM component symbol:

  • Active X

  • Applet

  • Application

  • DLL

  • EXE

  • Generic Package

  • Generic Subprogram

  • Main Program

  • Package Body

  • Package Specification

  • Subprogram Body

  • Subprogram Specification

  • Task Body

  • Task Specification

Created October 7, 2009. Send feedback on this help topic to Sybase Technical Publications: