Generating Other Models from an OOM

You can generate the following types of models from an OOM:

  • CDM - to translate OOM classes into CDM entities. You will then be able to further refine your model and eventually generate a Physical Data Model (PDM) from the CDM.

  • PDM – to translate the design of your system to your database. This allows you to model the objects in the world they live in and to automate the translation to database tables and columns.

  • OOM – to transform an analytical OOM (designed with the Analysis object language) to implementation OOMs designed for Java, C#, and any other of the object languages supported by PowerDesigner.

  • XSM – to generate a message format from your class structure.

  1. Select Tools, and then one of the following to open the appropriate Model Generation Options Window:

    • Generate Conceptual Data Model... Ctrl+Shift+C

    • Generate Physical Data Model... Ctrl+Shift+P

    • Generate Object-Oriented Model... Ctrl+Shift+O

    • Generate XML Model... Ctrl+Shift+M

  2. On the General tab, select a radio button to generate a new or update an existing model, and complete the appropriate options.
  3. [optional] Click the Detail tab and set any appropriate options. We recommend that you select the Check model checkbox to check the model for errors and warnings before generation.
  4. [optional] Click the Target Models tab and specify the target models for any generated shortcuts.
  5. [optional] Click the Selection tab and select or deselect objects to generate.
  6. Click OK to begin generation.

For detailed information about the options available on the various tabs of the Generation window, see the Linking and Synchronizing Models chapter of the Core Features Guide.

Created October 7, 2009. Send feedback on this help topic to Sybase Technical Publications: