Generating AXIS RPC Web Services

If the Web service implementation type is AXIS RPC, PowerDesigner uses a Java class for implementation and Apache Axis for deployment.

The supported provider type is Java:RPC. The supported provider styles are RPC, document and wrapped. If the provider style is <Default>, PowerDesigner will automatically select the best provider style. To select the provider style, you can change the AxisProviderStyle extended attribute of the Web service component.

To customize Axis deployment descriptor generation, you can change several Axis specific extended attributes in the Web service component property sheet.

A deploy.wsdd and an undeploy.wsdd are generated from the model or the package that contains Web service components. A single deploy.wsdd and undeploy.wsdd files are generated for all Web service components of the model or package.

If you use Apache Tomcat with Axis support installed, you can deploy the Web services directly. To support Apache Tomcat, you need to add the Apache Tomcat profile (extended model definition) to your model. You also need to define the CATALINA_HOME variable in the General Options dialog box ( Tools > General Options ) to specify the home directory of Apache Tomcat. To deploy the Web services into Tomcat, PowerDesigner uses an Apache Ant build.xml file. Make sure that Apache Ant is installed and check that you have defined an ANT_HOME variable in the General Options dialog box (Tools>Generation Options) to indicate where the home directory of Apache Ant is located.

If you use another application server that supports Axis, you need to add the application server profile in order to package and deploy the Web services directly into the server.

  1. Select Language > Generate Java Code .
  2. Select a directory where you want to generate the code.
  3. If you want to deploy Web services in an application server, you can define deployment options in the options tab. For example, for Apache Tomcat, you can define host name, port number, user name, password.
  4. If you want to deploy Web services in an application server, you can select the command in the Tasks tab. For example, for Apache Tomcat, you can select the Tomcat: Deploy Axis Web Services in Tomcat.

Created October 7, 2009. Send feedback on this help topic to Sybase Technical Publications: