Selecting WSDL Data Types

If you need to use a specific data type, you can select the WSDL data type for the operation return type or the parameter type.

You can select a WSDL data type from the list in the operation and parameter property sheets. This box includes basic data types for XML Schema encoding or SOAP encoding.

You can also click the Properties button beside the WSDL data type box to open the WSDL Schema tab in the component property sheet. This tab shows the contents of the WSDL schema.

As long as the WSDL data type is not manually changed, it is synchronized with the Java or .NET data type. You can use the Preview tab in the property sheet of the class to verify the code at any time.

  1. From the Web Method tab in the operation property sheet, select or type a new data type in the WSDL data type box.


    From the parameter property sheet, select or type a new data type from the WSDL data type box.

  2. Click Apply

Created October 7, 2009. Send feedback on this help topic to Sybase Technical Publications: