WSDL Tab of the Component

The WSDL tab in the component property sheet includes the following properties:



Target namespace

URL linked to a method that ensures the uniqueness of the Web service and avoid conflicts with other Web services of the same name.

By default, it is for .NET and urn:%Code%Interface for Java.

It is recommended to change it to ensure the service name uniqueness


Allows you to define the target namespace prefix

Encoding style

You can choose the SOAP data types (soap:xxx) or the XML-Schema data types (xsd:xxx) for the WSDL


Description of the WSDL file. It is used during WSDL generation

WSDL editor

You can use the text zone at the bottom of this tab to edit the contents of the WSDL. When you click the User-Defined tool, you make the contents user-defined. Once the tool is clicked, the contents can be overridden. When a WSDL is not user-defined, it is regenerated each time and can be displayed in the Preview tab of the component property sheet

Created October 7, 2009. Send feedback on this help topic to Sybase Technical Publications: