Using the Standard Component Wizard

PowerDesigner provides a wizard to help you in creating components from classes.

  1. Open a class or composite structure diagram and select the class or classes that you want to include in the new component.
  2. Select Tools > Create Component to open the Standard Component Wizard.

  3. Type a name and a code for the component and click Next.
  4. If you want the component to have a symbol and appear in a diagram, then select the Create Symbol In checkbox and specify the diagram in which you want it to appear (you can choose to create a new diagram). If you do not select this checkbox, then the component is created and visible from the Browser but will have no symbol.
  5. If you want to create a new class diagram to regroup the classes selected, then select the Create Class Diagram for Component Classifiers.

Created October 7, 2009. Send feedback on this help topic to Sybase Technical Publications: