Transitions (OOM)

A transition is an oriented link between states, which indicates that an element in one state can enter another state when an event occurs (and, optionally, if a guard condition is satisfied). The expression commonly used in this case is that a transition is fired.

A transition can be created in the following diagrams:

The statechart diagram transition is quite similar to the flow in the activity diagram, with the addition of a few properties:

The activity diagram is a simplification of the statechart diagram in which the states have only one action and the transition has a triggered event corresponding to the end of the action.

The transition link is represented as a simple arrow. The associated event, the condition and the action to execute are displayed above the symbol.

The following rules apply:


When transitions are compared and merged by the Merge Model feature, they are matched by trigger event first, and then by their calculated name. When two transitions match, the trigger actions automatically match because there cannot be more than one trigger action.

Created October 7, 2009. Send feedback on this help topic to Sybase Technical Publications: