Updating Attributes Using a Domain in an OOM

When you modify a domain, you can choose to automatically update the following properties for attributes using the domain:

  • Data type

  • Check parameters

  • Business rules

  1. Select Model > Domains to display the list of domains.
  2. Click a domain from the list, and then click the Properties tool to display its property sheet.

    You also access a domain property sheet by double-clicking the appropriate domain in the Browser.

  3. Type or select domain properties as required in the tabbed pages and click OK. If the domain is used by one or more attributes, an update confirmation box asks you if you want to update Data type and Check parameters for the attributes using the domain.
  4. Select the properties you want to update for all attributes using the domain and click Yes.

Created October 7, 2009. Send feedback on this help topic to Sybase Technical Publications: pubs@sybase.com