Assembly Connector Properties

You can modify an object's properties from its property sheet. To open an assembly connector property sheet, double-click its diagram symbol or Browser entry.

The General tab contains the following properties:




The name of the item, which should be clear and meaningful, and should convey the item's purpose to non-technical users.


Specifies the technical name of the object, which is used for generating code or scripts.


Descriptive comment for the object.


Specifies the part requesting the service. You can use the tools to the right of the list to create an object, browse the complete tree of available objects or view the properties of the currently selected object.


Specifies the part providing the service. You can use the tools to the right of the list to create an object, browse the complete tree of available objects or view the properties of the currently selected object.


Extends the semantics of the object beyond the core UML definition.


Specifies the interface that the supplier part uses to provide the service. You can use the tools to the right of the list to create an object, browse the complete tree of available objects or view the properties of the currently selected object.

Created October 7, 2009. Send feedback on this help topic to Sybase Technical Publications: