Operation Properties

You can modify an object's properties from its property sheet. To open an operation property sheet, double-click its Browser entry in the Operations folder.

The General tab contains the following properties:




To which the operation belongs


Specifies the name of the item, which should be clear and meaningful, and should convey the item's purpose to non-technical users.


Specifies the technical name of the object, which is used for generating code or scripts.


Descriptive comment for the object.


Extends the semantics of the object beyond the core UML definition. The following common stereotypes are available by default:

  • <<constructor>> - Operation called during the instantiation of an objet that creates an instance of a class

  • <<create>> - Operation used by a class when instantiating an object

  • <<destroy>> - Operation used by a class that destroys an instance of a class

  • <<storedProcedure>> - Operation will become a stored procedure in the generated PDM

  • <<storedFunction>> - Operation will become a stored function in the generated PDM

  • <<EJBCreateMethod>> - EJB specific CreateMethod

  • <<EJBFinderMethod>> - EJB specific FinderMethod

  • <<EJBSelectMethod>> - EJB specific SelectMethod

For more information on EJB specific methods, see Defining Operations for EJBs.

Return Type

A list of values returned by a call of the operation. If none are returned, the return type value is null


Visibility of the operation, whose value denotes how it is seen outside its enclosing name space. Exists only in classes:

  • Private - Only to the class to which it belongs

  • Protected - Only to the class and its derived objects

  • Package - To all objects contained within the same package

  • Public - To all objects

Language event

When classes represent elements of interfaces, this box allows you to show an operation as triggered by a significant occurrence of an event


The operation is associated with the class, as a consequence, static operations are shared by all instances of the class and have always the same value among instances


Flag defining the return type of the operation. It is true if the value returned is a table


The operation cannot be instantiated and thus has no direct instances


The operation cannot be redefined


Operation whose execution does not change the class instance

Web service method

If displayed and selected, implies that the operation is used as a web service method

Influent object

Operation that influences the current operation. The most common influence links are "overrides" or "implements" as explained below


Indicates which parent operation the current operation is overriding through a generalization link


Name of the interface operation the current operation is implementing though a realization link


Specifies that the operation is a generic method. For more information on generic methods, see Generic types and methods.

The following tabs list objects associated with the operation:

  • Related Diagrams - lists the model diagrams that are related to the operation. You can add diagrams in this page. For more information, see "Defining related diagrams" in the Diagrams and Symbols chapter of the Core Features Guide.

Created October 7, 2009. Send feedback on this help topic to Sybase Technical Publications: pubs@sybase.com