Attribute Property Sheet Detail Tab

The Detail tab contains a Persistent groupbox whose purpose is to improve the generation of code and data types during generation of a CDM or a PDM from an OOM.

The complete list of options on this tab is as follows:




Specifies if the value of the attribute can be modified once the object has been initialized. You can choose between:

  • Changeable – The value can be changed

  • Read-only – Prevents the creation of a setter operation (a setter is created in the method inside the class)

  • Frozen – Constant

  • Add-only – Allows you to add a new value only


Specifies an associated domain. If you attach an attribute to a domain, the domain supplies the data type and related data characteristics. It may also indicate check parameters, and business rules.

Select a domain from the list, or click the List button to the right of the list to create a new domain in the List of Domains.

Primary Identifier

If selected, indicates that the current attribute is part of a primary identifier. Primary identifiers are converted to primary keys after generation of an OOM to a PDM. Exists only in classes

Migrated from

Contains the association name that is at the origin of creation of the attribute. You can click the Properties tool beside this box to display the association property sheet.

For more information on migrating attributes, see Migrating association roles in a class diagram.


Groupbox for valid generation of CDM or PDM persistent models. Available only for class attributes (it is not applicable to interface attributes).

For more information on object persistence, see Managing Object Persistence During OOM to PDM Generation.


Specifies the code of the table or entity that will be generated in a persistent CDM or PDM model.

Data type

Specifies a persistent data type used in the generation of a persistent model, either CDM or PDM. The persistent data type is defined from default PowerDesigner conceptual data types


Maximum number of characters of the persistent data type


Number of places after the decimal point, for persistent data type values that can take a decimal point


[PowerBuilder only] Indicates which parent attribute the current attribute is overriding through a generalization link

Created October 7, 2009. Send feedback on this help topic to Sybase Technical Publications: