Adding Getter and Setter Operations to a Classifier

Getter or Setter operations are special types of operations you create for an attribute. You create them for sending and receiving data values between attributes of a class or of an interface.

You create a Getter or a Setter operation from the list of attributes. For each attribute, you can create a Getter, a Setter, or both a Getter and Setter operations.




Returns a value from an attribute


Sets a value into an attribute

C# exception: In C#, if you have an attribute with the <<Event>> stereotype, the default methods are not Getter and Setter but Add and Remove. When you click the Add Accessors button, the Add and Remove methods are automatically added.

  1. Double-click a class or interface in the diagram to display its property sheet, and then click the Attributes tab.
  2. Select one or more attributes and then click the Add Accessors button at the bottom of the attributes tab.

  3. Click the Operations tab to view the newly created at the bottom of the list of operations. The values are grayed indicating that the names cannot be modified.
  4. Click OK.

Created October 7, 2009. Send feedback on this help topic to Sybase Technical Publications: