Creating Generic Types

PowerDesigner allows you to designate classes and interfaces as generic types.

You define a list of type variables that will be used as datatypes for attributes, method parameters, or return types. PowerDesigner requires the existence of a bound class to create a generalization, realization, or association.

You then bind a classifier to the generic type via this intermediate bound class, and specify the actual types to be used in place of the required type variables.

  1. Open the property sheet of the class or interface, and select Generic from the Type list on the General tab. The Generic tab will be automatically displayed, and a type variable created in the list in the tab.
  2. Click the Generic tab, and add any additional type variables that you require with the Add a Row tool. You can also specify a derivation constraint in the form of a list of types.
  3. Click OK to return to the diagram. The classifier symbol will now display the type variables on its top-left corner.

In order for the classifier to become a true generic type, it must contain at least one generic method.

Created October 7, 2009. Send feedback on this help topic to Sybase Technical Publications: