Class Property Sheet Detail Tab

The Detail tab contains a Persistent groupbox whose purpose is to defined the persistent generated code of a class during OOM to CDM or PDM generation.

The complete list of options on this tab is as follows:




Specifies that the class must be persisted in a generated CDM or PDM. You have to select one of the following options:

  • Generate table - the class is generated as an entity or table.

  • Migrate columns – [PDM only] the class is not generated, and its attributes and associations are migrated to the generated parent or child table.

  • Generate ADT – [PDM only] the class is generated as an abstract data type. See "Abstract Data Types", in the Building Physical Diagrams chapter of the Data Modeling guide.

  • Value Type – the class is not generated, and its attributes are generated in their referencing types.

For more information on object persistence, see Managing Object Persistence During OOM to PDM Generation.


Specifies the code of the table or entity that will be generated from the current class in a CDM or PDM model. Persistent codes are used for round-trip engineering: the same class always generates the same entity or table with a code compliant with the target DBMS.

Example: to generate a class Purchaser into a table PURCH, type PURCH in the Code box.

Inner to

Specifies the name of the class or interface to which the current class belongs as an inner classifier

Association class

Specifies the name of the association related to the class to form an association class. The attributes and operations of the current class are used to complement the definition of the association.

For more information on other properties specific to Web services, see Detail Tab of the Class.

Created October 7, 2009. Send feedback on this help topic to Sybase Technical Publications: