Ports (OOM)

A port is created on the outside of a classifier and specifies a distinct interaction point between the classifier and its environment or between the (behavior of the) classifier and its internal parts.

Ports can be connected to:

A port can be created in the following diagrams:

Ports in a Class Diagram

In the example below, the class TitleImpl2 contains the ports sql and stat, which are connected by require links to the interfaces java.math.stat2 and java.sql.connection2:

Ports in a Composite Structure Diagram

In the example below, the internal structure of the class TitleImpl2 is shown in more detail, and demonstrates how ports can be used to specify interaction points between a part and its enclosing classifier:

Ports in a Component Diagram

In the example below, the use of ports to connect parts with an enclosing component is demonstrated:

Created October 7, 2009. Send feedback on this help topic to Sybase Technical Publications: pubs@sybase.com