Use Case Property Sheet Implementation Classes Tab

The Implementation Classes tab in the use case property sheet shows the list of classes, or interfaces used to implement a use case. A use case is generally a task or service, represented as a verb. When analyzing what a use case must do, you can identify the classes and interfaces that need to be created to fulfill the task, and attach them to a use case.

Creating a Class or an Interface

To add a class or interface to the list, use one of the following tools:



Add Objects – Opens a dialog box from which you can select any class or interface currently existing in the model to implement the use case.

Create a New Class – Creates a new class to implement the use case. The new class is available in the Classes folder of the current model or package in the Browser for use in other diagrams.

Create a New Interface - Creates a new interface to implement the use case. The new interface is available in the Interfaces folder of the current model or package in the Browser for use in other diagrams.

For example, a use case ship product by express mail needs the classes Shipping, Product, and Billing to perform its task:

You can display the names of the use cases associated with a class on the Dependencies tab of its property sheet.

Created October 7, 2009. Send feedback on this help topic to Sybase Technical Publications: