Displaying a Committee Activity

A committee activity is a decomposed activity whose sub-activities are managed by several organization units.

  1. Open the property sheet of a decomposed activity.
  2. Select Committee Activity from the Organization Unit list and click OK.

    This value is only available for decomposed activities.

  3. In the diagram, resize the decomposed activity symbol to cover all the appropriate swimlanes.

    The symbol background color changes on the swimlanes depending on whether each is responsible for sub-activities.

In the following example, all sub-activities of Payment are managed in the Accountancy organization unit:

The symbol background of the committee activity is lighter and hatched on Sales and Delivery since they do not:

  • Manage any sub-activities

  • Have any symbol in the sub-activity diagram

Note that this display does not appear in composite view mode.

Created October 7, 2009. Send feedback on this help topic to Sybase Technical Publications: pubs@sybase.com