Replication Rules and Rule Sets (Teradata)

Replication rules are patterns for matching table names to include in replication groups. Rules are collected into sets, which are in turn associated with replication groups. PowerDesigner supports replication rule sets and rules for Teradata v13 and higher as extended objects with a stereotype of <<ReplicationRuleSet>> and extended subobjects with a stereotype of <<ReplicationRule>>.

Creating a Replication Rule Set

You can create a replication rule set in any of the following ways:

  • Select Model > Replication Rule Sets to access the List of Replication Rule Sets, and click the Add a Row tool.

  • Right-click the model or package in the Browser, and select New > Replication Rule Set.

Creating Replication Rules

You create replication rules on the Patterns tab of a replication rule set. You can define the rule on the tab or by clicking the Properties tool to open the rule properties sheet. Rules have the following properties:



Object kind

Specifies the type of database object to be added to the replication rule set.

Scripting name: ObjectKind

Like/And not like

Specifies pattern strings to match or exclude against the fully qualified names of the objects of certain SQL statements. The specified string literals can contain wildcard characters.

Scripting name: LikeClause, NotLikeClause

Escape character

Specifies an escape character for the like and not like patterns.

Scripting name: EscapeLike, EscapeNotLike


[property sheet only] Displays the SQL expression corresponding to the values entered in the other fields.

Scripting name: Definition

Replication Rule Set Properties

You can modify an object's properties from its property sheet. To open a replication rule set property sheet, double-click its diagram symbol or its Browser entry in the Replication Rule Sets folder.

The following extended attributes are available on the General tab:




Specifies that all the rules in the rule set are default rules.

Scripting name: DefaultRules

Replication group

Specifies the name of the replication group to which the rule set is assigned.

Scripting name: ReplicationGroup