Database packages defined through templates are automatically updated when you modify the definition of the table with which they are associated. You can use the Rebuild Table Database Packages dialog to add database packages to tables that lack them or to overwrite any modifications you have made to packages associated with a template.
Select to open the Rebuild Table Database Packages dialog.
Select a rebuild mode:
Delete and Rebuild - deletes all table database packages associated with templates (including those which have been modified) and recreates them from the template
Add Missing Database Packages - preserves existing database packages and creates packages only for those tables that lack them
Select the templates to use in the rebuild. You can select as many templates as necessary and the rebuild will create a database package for each template for each table.
[optional] Click the Selection tab and select the tables for which you want to rebuild database packages. By default all the tables in the model are selected.
Click OK to begin the rebuild.