HP Neoview

To create a PDM with support for features specific to the HP Neoview DBMS family, select the appropriate version in the DBMS field of the New Model dialog. To view these extensions to the PowerDesigner metamodel in the Resource Editor, select Database > Edit Current DBMS and expand the Profile node.

The following sections list the extensions provided for HP Neoview.

Note: We do not provide documentation for the properties on the Physical Options and certain other tabs, though minimal information is available for them in the Resource Editor. For information about these properties, consult your DBMS reference documentation.


The following extensions are available on the General tab:




Specifies that the table is a SET table, and thus discards duplicate rows.

Scripting name: Set


Specifies that indexes associated with the table have lifespans limited to the SQL session in which the index is created and are dropped when the session ends.

Scripting name: Volatile


The following extensions are available on the Neoview tab:




Specifies that the column is an identity column.

Scripting name: Identity


Specifies the type of identity column. You can choose between:
  • by default - allows both user-supplied and system-generated column values for the identity column
  • always - provides system-generated unique values and does not allow user-supplied identity column values.

Scripting name: IdentityType

Start with

Specifies the start value of the cycle range for the identity column.

Scripting name: StartWith


Specifies the value by which each value is incremented to obtain the next value.

Scripting name: Increment


Specifies the minimum value of the data type of the identity column starting the cycle range.

Scripting name: MinValue


Specifies the maximum value of the data type of the identity column starting the cycle range.

Scripting name: MaxValue


Specifies that when the maximum value is reached for the identity column, the values are restarted from the minimum. If this option is not selected, and error will be raised.

Scripting name: Cycle


Specify that the column is unsigned. By default, columns are signed.

Scripting name: Unsigned

Character set

[character columns] Specifies the character set to use.

Scripting name: Charset


[character columns] Specifies that the contents are stored as uppercase.

Scripting name: Upshift


Specifies that the column must not contain a null value.

Scripting name: Mandatory

Constraint name

Specifies the name of the not null column constraint.

Scripting name: MandConstName


The following extensions are available on the Neoview tab:




Specifies that the index has a lifespan limited to the SQL session in which it is created and is dropped when the session ends.

Scripting name: Volatile


Specifies that the index is a unique index.

Scripting name: Unique

No populate

Specifies that the index is not to be populated when it is created. The indexes are created, but no data is written to the index, and it is marked offline.

Scripting name: NoPopulate


Specifies the partitioning columns. If you do not specify the partitioning columns, the default is the same partitioning column or columns as the base table for a non-unique index, and all the columns in the index for a unique index.

Scripting name: HashPartitionColumns


The following extensions are available on the General tab:




Specifies that the reference is checked.

Scripting name: Enforced

Materialized Views

The following extensions are available on the Neoview tab:



Refresh type

Specifies the method that will be used to update the materialized view.

Scripting name: RefreshType


[on request only] Instructs the refresh operation of a materialized view over several base tables to ignore the changes to the listed base tables.

Scripting name: IgnoreChangesOn


Specifies when the materialized view gets its initial content, either upon creation or at the time of its first refresh.

Scripting name: Initialize

Clustering columns

Specifies the order of rows within the physical file that holds the table, determines the physical organization of the table, and the ways you can partition the table.

Scripting name: Clustering


Specifies hash partitioning, which is the only partitioning scheme supported for materialized views.

Scripting name: HashPartition

Partitioning keys

Specifies the the partitioning keys of the materialized view.

Scripting name: PartitionColumnList

Commit each

Specifies the number of rows that refresh processes from the log before committing a transaction and starting another one.

Scripting name: MVAttribute


Provides a textual view of the materialized view options. This field auto-updates as you select options, and you edits you make here are reflected in the options.

Scripting name: ViewOption