Lifecycle and Lifecycle Phase Checks (PDM)

PowerDesigner provides default model checks to verify the validity of lifecycles and phases.

Check Description and Correction

Name and code uniqueness

Lifecycle and phase names and codes must be unique in the model.

Manual correction: Modify the duplicate name/code

Automatic correction: Appends a number to the duplicate name/code

Existence of phases

[lifecycle] A lifecycle must contain phases.

Manual correction: Add phases to the lifecycle (on the Phases tab)

Automatic correction: None

Incorrect total retention setting

[lifecycle] The total retention for the lifecycle must equal the retentions of all the phases.

Manual correction: Adjust the total retention or the retentions of individual phases as appropriate.

Automatic correction: Adjust the total retention to equal the retentions of all the phases.

Invalid partition range setting

[lifecycle] The partition range must be no longer than the shortest phase retention.

Manual correction: Reduce the partition range so that it is equal to the shortest phase retention.

Automatic correction: Reduces the partition range so that it is equal to the shortest phase retention.

Existence of tablespace

[phase] Specified tablespace does not exist.

Manual correction: Specify another tablespace.

Automatic correction: None

Invalid tablespace setting

[phase] The tablespace cannot be a catalog store.

Manual correction: Deselect the catalog store property on the tablespace property sheet.

Automatic correction: Deselects the catalog store property.

Phase tablespace uniqueness

[phase] Each phase must be associated with a different tablespace.

Manual correction: Move one or more phases to another tablespace.

Automatic correction: None

Consistency of cost currency setting

[phase] The same currency must be used for all tablespaces.

Manual correction: Harmonize the currency settings.

Automatic correction: Applies the currency specified in the model options to all tablespaces.

Invalid retention setting

[phase] Age-based lifecyle phases must have a retention period greater than 0.

Manual correction: Set the retention period to greater than 0.

Automatic correction: Sets the retention period to 1.

Invalid idle period setting

[phase] Access-based lifecyle phases must have an idle period greater than 0.

Manual correction: Set the idle period to greater than 0.

Automatic correction: Sets the idle period to 1.

Existence of data source

[phase] A lifecycle phase associated with an external database must have a data source specified.

Manual correction: Specify a data source for the phase.

Automatic correction: None

Invalid lifecycle management scope

[phase] Only the first phase in a lifecycle can have an external source. Subsequent phases must have the source set to the current database.

Manual correction: Set the phase source to the current database.

Automatic correction: None